Blue Mussels

How do Blue Mussels grow?

Blue mussels, much like crawfish and clams, soak in spices and flavors for ideal recipes. Garlic butter, sweet crisp wine infused sauces, and even hot peppery curry embellish the mussel’s plump and chewy sweetness. The rope cultured mollusk naturally filters out impurities from their diet with a siphon-type aperture for feeding. They enjoy plant particles, algae, and small organic matter that keeps their tissue sweet and oceanic fresh. The hint of flavor naturally complements your recipe of choice. Steamed mussels with a white wine broth bring sophistication to the table. Piping hot paella, embellished with mussels give a true festive air to your harvest from the sea. Of course, pasta never tasted the same when mussels get a delicious dousing of sweet marinara sauce. It comes down to your recipe and the size mussel to make a perfect dish. A smooth texture and mouthwatering appearance is the number one goal!

Just how do mussels grow, making some larger than others? Yes, watermen grade out the mussels to ideal sizes. Blue mussels size from 2”-4” lengthwise on the shell. Small “beards” or sticky filaments grow from the mussel, so it can slowly move towards food sources. The better nutrients and ideal temperature around 75 degrees F will produce larger mussels. They syphon nutrients from the water and exhale impurities, similar to “spitting out bad food.” With this efficient eating sequence, mussels offer 20 grams of protein and 31% of the daily iron needed in a 3 oz. portion. Rope cultured or wild harvested from pilings, rocks, etc., mussels spend about 2 years to grow into a savory addition to your next seafood party.

Chilean Sautéed Sparkling Minty Mussel Recipe

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20% OFF ~ (2 lbs.) Chilean Rope-Cultured Blue Mussels, cooked & flash-frozen

CODE: 082624


C reate a culinary masterpiece tonight with Chilean mussels! Tasting a bit oceanic with a mushroom undertone, mussels make a... More

Stock up & SAVE ~ (5 lbs.) Chilean Rope-Cultured Blue Mussels, cooked & flash-frozen

CODE: 070224


C reate a culinary masterpiece tonight with Chilean mussels! Tasting a bit oceanic with a mushroom undertone, mussels... More